Saturday, March 3, 2018



Nowadays in our commercial world, everything involves money. Any activities that someone enjoys involves money in some way. If your passion is drawing you'll need pencils and paper, rather you're buying the supplies or someone has bought it for you it still involves money.

Image result for money

If you had the all  money in the world you would yo” 

Are wealthy people like Bill Gates happy?

Bill Gate has a lot of money and huge house, does all of this make the man happy all the time?. This is how I would use it to define happiness. Lets say the house is completely empty. No one lives there but Bill. He walks to each room, opens the door and shouts out, "Hello."  There is no response. He looks around and sees no one. So he does that to the next room with same response. It takes him 45 minutes to enter all the rooms, shout out "Hello" and also look around inside for a human being. He finds no one. I would think by then he'd feel very lonely and unhappy. He has all this money and a huge mansion but no one to share it with. I think that makes for a very unhappy soul.

Image result for bill gate house

What about poor people are they happy?

Image result for poor people
Poor people can't afford to buy they basic need, they are full of hungry, homeless, attacked by diseases,they face many challenges so they are unhappy. 

Can you be poor and happy?

Image result for poor people live happy life

Pass through these discussion made by my friends

Every day a poor person is robbed off dignity.How can you be happy knowing that there are people you will never meet, places you will never go and dreams you will never accomplish because the world does not know you exist? We live in an excessively materialistic world where the value of human life is determined by what you have to offer. The homeless, illegal immigrants and people living in the slums of Asia and Africa are tied in a cyclical life of despair. It is difficult to be happy when every day is toil, hunger and despair.( Mayana)

I believe that you can be happy no matter what situation you are in. I was personally homeless, but it was not as bad as it sounds. I lived with a family friend and I was 13 around the time. It is hard not knowing if you will be kicked out, but I was happy. We were searching for a place to live in, but we still laugh we still smiled, and it was because we knew that no amount of money can truly give you happiness. My dad told me of a story he once saw online of a wealthy father taking his son to show him what being poor looked like. It goes something like this...

A father took his son to a poor village to see how poor people lived. After the trip the father asked his son , "Did you see how poor people can be?" the son replied, "Oh yeah. I noticed that we have one dog but they have four. We have lanterns and they have the stars at night. We have servants who serve us, but they serve each other. We have walls that protect us they have friends and family to protect them. We have a piece of land and they have a horizon with no end. Thanks dad for showing me how poor we are"

I have been poor all of my adult life. My partner and I both work full time and still struggle to pay the bills, we don't have a mortgage, we have no insurance or pension and 0 savings. Everything revolves around money, just being alive costs money, i e: council tax, tax on wages (free work) e c t. I hate it when people say money doesn't buy happiness! Happiness to me means not having a panic attack when somebody phones or knocks the door in case it is debt collectors, courts, bailiffs or police to arrest you because you cant afford t v licence or council tax or water bill. I feel disgusted that you have to pay the government just to be alive"

So what actual are we need? money or happiness?

Money can't buy everything

Only thing money will buy

Money is just one thing and not every thing

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