Thursday, March 15, 2018


1: The law of causes & Effect

Everything happen for reason, there is a cause for every effect.
` Everything happens for a reason whether or not we know what it is. Every cause (actions) has an effect (consequences). The law says; all wealth, achievement, happiness, prosperity and success are the direct or indirect (result) of scientific actions. If you can be clear about the result you want, you can achieve it. Financial success is an ‘effect’ and if you study the ‘cause’ and apply it, you too will achieve financial success. Your thought (causes) are the primary creative force of your life. When you change your thought, you change your life. You become what you are always thinking about. To change your financial life, change your thought .

2: Law of Belief
Whatever you truly believe with deep feeling, become your real, you always act in the manner of believe about yourself. The best believe you can develop within yourself is that you are destined to be a big success financially so that you can engage in the behavior that will make it come true.

3: Law of expectation.

whatever you expect, with confidence,becomes your own self-fulfilling prophecy.When you expect good things to happen to you, they will surely happen and if you expect negative things, you will not be disappointed. Your expectations are under your control, so expect the best for yourself.

4: Law of Attraction

You invariable and attract into your life the people,situation and circumstance that are in harmony with your dominant thoughts.

5:Law of correspondence.

Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world and corresponding with your dominant pattern of thinking.

6:Law of Abundance.

We live abundant universe in which there is sufficient money for all who real want it and are willing obey the laws governing it acquisition.

7:Law of exchange.

Money is a medium through which people exchange their labor in the production of goods and services for the goods and services of others.

8:The law of capital.

Your most valuable asset in term of cash flow is your physical and mental capital ,your earning ability. The amount of money you are paid today is the direct measure of the extent to which you have developed you earning ability so far. Your most precious resource is your time. Time or money can be either spent or invested. By investing you time to become more knowledgeable, you can increase you value and your earning ability – This is your best investment.

9:The law of time perspective.

The most successful people in any society are those who take the longest time period into consideration when making their day to day decisions.

10: The law of saving.
Financial freedom comes to the person who save 10 percent or more of his income through out his lifetime.

10:The law of conservation.

It's not how much you make,but how much you keep, that determine your financial future.

11: | The Law of Investing: 

To succeed you should investigate before you invest. Don’t rush; take you time to get honest, accurate and adequate investment before you part with your hard earned money. The only thing easy about money is losing it. If you think you can afford to lose a little, you will probably end up losing a lot. Only invest with experts who have proven track records of success with their own money.

12:The law of communication

  Great financial achievement is an accumulation of small efforts and sacrifices that no one ever sees or appreciates. As your savings accumulates, you develop a momentum that moves you more rapidly towards your financial goals.

13:The Law of compound interest

Invest your money carefully and allowing it to grow at compound interest will eventually make you rich.

14:The law of magnetism.

The more you save and accumulate,the more money you attract into your life.

15:The law of Accelerating.

Acceleration,The factor you more toward financial freedom,the faster it moves toward you.

16:The law of stock market

The value of a stock is the total anticipated cash flow from the stock discounted to the present day.

17:The law of the internet

The internet is a tool for rapid communication of information of all kinds.The three keys to internet success are; Faster, Cheaper & Easier. The value of an internet company is in direct proportion to the value of the information it provides. The value of a piece of information is what people are willing to pay for it.

18:The Law of The Real Estate: 

The value of a piece of real estate is the future earning power of that particular piece of property. You make your money when you buy real estate and you realize it when you sell. The three keys to real estate selections are; location. Real estate value is largely determined by general economic activity in the area and by the number of jobs and level of wages. Property increases at  three times the level of population growth and two times the rate of inflation. The best way to learn real estate investment is to become a owner and put your knowledge to work to increase its value.

19:The Law of ‘Three':  There are three legs to the stool of financial freedom; Savings, Insurance & Investments. To be fully protected against the unexpected, you require liquid Savings equal to 2-6 months of your living expenses. You must Insure adequate capital until you Investments are paying you more than you can earn on your job.

20:Parkinson’s Law: 

 Expenses rise to meet income. Financial independence comes from violating Parkinson’s Law. If you allow your expense to increase at a slower rate, then your income increases and you save or invest the difference, you will become financially independent.

21:The Law of Accumulation: 

 Great financial achievement is an accumulation of small efforts and sacrifices that no one ever sees or appreciates. As your savings accumulates, you develop a momentum that moves you more rapidly towards your financial goals.

22: Spiritual law

23:Wisdom law

24:The law of managment

25:The law of love( Give)

26:The law of balance

27: The law of kind

28:The law of generous

29:The law of spending

30:The law of sacrifies 

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