Thursday, March 15, 2018


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Image result for what to do when you give up

1:Look into the reason why you want to give up.

The feelings of wanting to quit can be overwhelming. The generalized feeling isn’t clear; look at the reasons why you want to quit. Are you physically tired? Have you been consumed with things and not taken care of yourself in the process? Do you feel little support? Are you lacking ability? Have you come up against some difficulties that you are unprepared for? Do you need to just take a step back before continuing on? There are many reasons why you may want to quit. Be diligent in figuring out what the real issues are and tackle them specifically. Once you see what is causing the feeling, you can address it.Don’t give up!
2: Remember why you started and how much you really wanted it.Image result for what to do when you give up
Think back to the moment that this project, goal, or concept was conceived. Remember the joy and thrill of the adventure ahead? At the beginning, you had a goal in mind; a beautiful picture etched in your mind of the finished task. Beginning was simple; carrying through has become difficult.Going back to the beginning brings into focus the purpose of your endeavor. The memory of anticipation of the job accomplished is stirred up again when you begin to contemplate the reason you began in the first place. Breathe in deep and recall your purpose. Don’t give up!

3:Picture in your mind the ultimate result.

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Keep in your mind the picture of the end result. A visualization of what you want to accomplish will keep you moving forward. I mean, seriously, you don’t want to stop partway through. The feeling of being a quitter isn’t pleasant. You are a winner! Remember the slogan: the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat!Whenever you want to quit, ask yourself, do you want the thrill of victory? Or would you rather the agony of defeat? Press on; you can do this.Don’t give up!

4:Make a plan and have a backup.

Before you undertake anything, always have an outlined plan of action.There are various ways this can be done. You can write a list, make a breakout chart, or form a checklist for tasks completed along the way. By having a plan in place, when you feel like giving up you can look at the plan and refocus on the steps needed to reach the goal. Also, have a backup plan in mind before beginning; this way when you are frustrated and want to give up, you will have an alternative plan to put in action.Don’t give up!

5:Find support from others.

Don’t isolate yourself or hide your feelings of frustration, and don’t be afraid to seek support from others. Reach out to family, friends, co-workers or even online forums to find someone that you can talk to and rid yourself of what is dragging you down and causing you to want to quit. I promise there are so many other people out there that are struggling with feelings of doubt, fear and frustration just like you are. Finding another person who has gone through a similar crisis will strengthen your resolve and help you get back on course. Don’t give up!

6:Be grateful for the good things while struggling.

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Yes, you may feel like giving up. Yes, you are struggling. Yes, you are overwhelmed at the moment. I know this may seem like a strange thing to say, but remember to be grateful.
Whenever you feel like giving up, stop and make a list of the things you are grateful for in your life. You have so much positivist in your life to be thankful for. When you shift your focus to becoming grateful for all things, tasks that seem overwhelming take on a new light. The way you look at the situations around you depends on the attitude with which you view them. Take on an attitude of gratitude and you will be amazed at the difference it makes. Don’t give up!

7:Celebrate your victories, no matter how small they seem.

You deserve to acknowledge all the victories that you have made along the way. Instead of feeling overwhelmed at all that you have left to do, write out a list of accomplishments you have already completed, no matter how small they may seem. By celebrating your progress, you will renew your energy to complete what you are doing. When you see all that you have done, it will excite you to take further action until the finish line. Don’t give up!

8:Do not accept your helplessness. 

sad You must continue to try to escape the shock because you never know--maybe something that you do will work. You must attempt to climb out of the pit of despair even when you feel as though you have no solid footing. It may be clumsy and feel awkward and it may take many attempts to get out, but the only way out is to try. If you simply accept what you believe is your fate, you won't go anywhere. 

9:Change your thoughts. 

If you believe that you cannot affect change, you will not even try. So if you find yourself saying "I can't," or "There's nothing that I can do," try changing your thoughts to "I can at least try," and "This may not work, but I'll try it." That at least allows the possibility that you can affect change.  For more about combating negative thoughts: 

 10: Try and try again. 

Once you try to make a change or to find a solution to problems in your life, don't give up if the first solution doesn't work. Try something else and if that doesn't work, try something else. Perseverance may be the key to you unlearning your learned helplessness because if you only try once and it doesn't work, you may have only strengthened your learned helplessness. So try anything that you can think of, no matter how little you believe that it will work. Any attempt to escape the shock, even if it fails, is better than no attempt.

11: There is  always tomorrow.

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Feeling and circumstance always change. Changes is the nature of life,so don't stick in one situation.


1: The law of causes & Effect

Everything happen for reason, there is a cause for every effect.
` Everything happens for a reason whether or not we know what it is. Every cause (actions) has an effect (consequences). The law says; all wealth, achievement, happiness, prosperity and success are the direct or indirect (result) of scientific actions. If you can be clear about the result you want, you can achieve it. Financial success is an ‘effect’ and if you study the ‘cause’ and apply it, you too will achieve financial success. Your thought (causes) are the primary creative force of your life. When you change your thought, you change your life. You become what you are always thinking about. To change your financial life, change your thought .

2: Law of Belief
Whatever you truly believe with deep feeling, become your real, you always act in the manner of believe about yourself. The best believe you can develop within yourself is that you are destined to be a big success financially so that you can engage in the behavior that will make it come true.

3: Law of expectation.

whatever you expect, with confidence,becomes your own self-fulfilling prophecy.When you expect good things to happen to you, they will surely happen and if you expect negative things, you will not be disappointed. Your expectations are under your control, so expect the best for yourself.

4: Law of Attraction

You invariable and attract into your life the people,situation and circumstance that are in harmony with your dominant thoughts.

5:Law of correspondence.

Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world and corresponding with your dominant pattern of thinking.

6:Law of Abundance.

We live abundant universe in which there is sufficient money for all who real want it and are willing obey the laws governing it acquisition.

7:Law of exchange.

Money is a medium through which people exchange their labor in the production of goods and services for the goods and services of others.

8:The law of capital.

Your most valuable asset in term of cash flow is your physical and mental capital ,your earning ability. The amount of money you are paid today is the direct measure of the extent to which you have developed you earning ability so far. Your most precious resource is your time. Time or money can be either spent or invested. By investing you time to become more knowledgeable, you can increase you value and your earning ability – This is your best investment.

9:The law of time perspective.

The most successful people in any society are those who take the longest time period into consideration when making their day to day decisions.

10: The law of saving.
Financial freedom comes to the person who save 10 percent or more of his income through out his lifetime.

10:The law of conservation.

It's not how much you make,but how much you keep, that determine your financial future.

11: | The Law of Investing: 

To succeed you should investigate before you invest. Don’t rush; take you time to get honest, accurate and adequate investment before you part with your hard earned money. The only thing easy about money is losing it. If you think you can afford to lose a little, you will probably end up losing a lot. Only invest with experts who have proven track records of success with their own money.

12:The law of communication

  Great financial achievement is an accumulation of small efforts and sacrifices that no one ever sees or appreciates. As your savings accumulates, you develop a momentum that moves you more rapidly towards your financial goals.

13:The Law of compound interest

Invest your money carefully and allowing it to grow at compound interest will eventually make you rich.

14:The law of magnetism.

The more you save and accumulate,the more money you attract into your life.

15:The law of Accelerating.

Acceleration,The factor you more toward financial freedom,the faster it moves toward you.

16:The law of stock market

The value of a stock is the total anticipated cash flow from the stock discounted to the present day.

17:The law of the internet

The internet is a tool for rapid communication of information of all kinds.The three keys to internet success are; Faster, Cheaper & Easier. The value of an internet company is in direct proportion to the value of the information it provides. The value of a piece of information is what people are willing to pay for it.

18:The Law of The Real Estate: 

The value of a piece of real estate is the future earning power of that particular piece of property. You make your money when you buy real estate and you realize it when you sell. The three keys to real estate selections are; location. Real estate value is largely determined by general economic activity in the area and by the number of jobs and level of wages. Property increases at  three times the level of population growth and two times the rate of inflation. The best way to learn real estate investment is to become a owner and put your knowledge to work to increase its value.

19:The Law of ‘Three':  There are three legs to the stool of financial freedom; Savings, Insurance & Investments. To be fully protected against the unexpected, you require liquid Savings equal to 2-6 months of your living expenses. You must Insure adequate capital until you Investments are paying you more than you can earn on your job.

20:Parkinson’s Law: 

 Expenses rise to meet income. Financial independence comes from violating Parkinson’s Law. If you allow your expense to increase at a slower rate, then your income increases and you save or invest the difference, you will become financially independent.

21:The Law of Accumulation: 

 Great financial achievement is an accumulation of small efforts and sacrifices that no one ever sees or appreciates. As your savings accumulates, you develop a momentum that moves you more rapidly towards your financial goals.

22: Spiritual law

23:Wisdom law

24:The law of managment

25:The law of love( Give)

26:The law of balance

27: The law of kind

28:The law of generous

29:The law of spending

30:The law of sacrifies 

Friday, March 9, 2018

When you are in any broken relationship simply follow this tips

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There are people who walk away from you…, When people walk away from you let them walk
Don’t talk another person into staying with you, Don’t talk another person into loving you
Don’t talk another person into calling you, Caring about you, coming to see you
Don’t talk another person into staying with you, attach to you…LET IT GO
When people walk away from you let them walk, your destiny is never tied to any body

The Bible said that, they came out from us that it might be made manifest that they were not for us. For had they been of us, no doubt they would have continued with us. [1 John 2:19] 

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People leave you because they are not joined to you and if they are not joined to you you can’t make them stay, LET THEM GO
And it doesn’t mean that they are bad people, it’s just mean that they are part in the story is OVER
And you have got to know that people’s part into your story is over so don’t keep trying raise the dead when you have got to know is dead LET IT GO, you have got to know is over let it go, stop begging people to stay let them go.
If you are holding on something that doesn’t belong to you and was never intended for your life then you need to let it go,
  •  If you are holding to past hurts and pains LET IT GO .
  •  If someone can’t treat you right.
  •  If someone cannot love you back and someone cannot see you’re worth LET IT GO.
  • If someone has angered you let it go.
  • If you are holding to some sort of evil and revenge let it go.
  • If you are involved in wrong relationship or addiction let it go.
  • If you are holding to a job which no longer meet your needs or talents let it go.
  • If you have bad altitude let it go.
  • If you keep judging other to keep you feel better let it go.
  • If you are struggling with healing of broken relationship let it go.
  • If you keep trying to help someone who won’t even help themselves let them go
  • If you feel depressed and stressed let it go.

Let the past be the past forget the former things let it go.
People leave you because they are not join to you and if they are not joined to you you can’t make them stay and it doesn’t mean that they are bad people, it’s just mean that they are part in the story is OVER And you have got to know that people’s part into your whole story particular is over so don’t keep trying raise the dead if you have got to know is dead it’s better to let it go, the possibly deal with memories that come with that the memories go with that.
 TD Jakes, the inspirational speaker.

How to overcome stress and worry,check these 6 simple Tips

 When you're feeling anxious or stressed, the strategies listed below can help you cope. We also invite you to check out our Articles which will give you inspiration of life , Stress can attack any body and can lead to terrible things which can cause you a lot of problems,today i want share with you this articles of how to manage stress in order to cope with your challenges hence life goes on. here down are listed some Technics which will put you distant from complicated stress life.

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1.Believe in God
When you face hard time in your life don't bother over thinking relax and be careful enough to start solving it,there is no need to panic if you believe that God created you to fight ,created you in his example ,believe that you have the ability to fight with the situation,when you believe in him you will believe in your self hence you can dare to combat all hardships you face,be strong ,be confident ,be ready  

2.Don't focus on your past failures but  try most to think on your positive side of your life 

Try not to refer you negative point of your life especial for the past things which can automatically discourage you to focus on your current thing,if you think much on your past failure you will end up telling yourself that you can't move on the hard time you face.please don't allow your past to dictate your future.

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3. Do body exercises 
Make your timetable for a week arrange the timetable which can can allow you to get time for body exercises which will refresh your mind and well being when it comes to the sleeping time you sleep well stress free.

4. Have a time to meditate 

Meditation helps people to relax,to refresh mind,to concentrate and cure mental and psychological problems do it several times a week,if you don't know how to do it find it out,study step by step.

5.Believe that there is never a night with no morning

Tough times never last but tough people do,try much to study how to be a tough guy,many successful people studied to endure the hard situations they met with till to point of being noticed by the people they tried hard to solve the challenges they met.

6.Apply the power of word you tell about yourself
Believe it or not there is the power in our daily life,we tell ourselves some words which program our beliefs to believe in our full capacity of doing things,if you know it from today stop telling your self you can't do that you can't do this,install the positive energy through your words you tell yourself,You will see the impact of this later,Your perception your world.


Wednesday, March 7, 2018


01Being single doesn't mean that you are weak. It'means your strong enough to wait for what you deserve.

Relax and take time to think about betterment of your life. It’s obvious that if there is nothing going on for a while, it means that something great is about to happen, something like a miracle. There is absolutely no way that luck will pass you by, eventually it will strike you and it will be the best time of your life. Until that happens make this “single” time the best time of your life.  

It is always better to wait a certain period of time than to rush into a bad relationship just to ease your pain. You are better than that and you should realize that in time. Be patient, a good person will eventually come to you, and you should never question that because everything ends well, and if it doesn’t, then it isn’t the end yet. Take time to relax and think about betterment of yourself.nothing exceed your value.

02.Your single because God is busy writing best love story for you, Give time to your author.

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It’s obvious that if there is nothing going on for a while, it means that something great is about to happen, something like a miracle. There is absolutely no way that luck will pass you by, eventually it will strike you and it will be the best time of your life. Until that happens make this “single” time the best time of your life.

03. You shouldn't cry because of him/her do it for healthier

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Sometimes it’s better to cry so that you can feel better later, when life gives you a new, big chance. It is hard to realize in a moment of sadness that you should never cry for anyone. However, when life reveals new paths to you, everything you did, but you shouldn’t have, will make you stronger. Also, always look for reasons not to cry.

 04.Time to build a better you.

Facts About Being Single
With all the “free” time you have, now is the perfect opportunity to get down to your ideal weight, take that class you’ve been putting off, get a second job or start volunteering. The worse thing someone who is recently single can do is sit at home, feeling bad for themselves. Get out of the house and start building a better you.When you were in relationship you are about to loosed yourself, now try to rebuild yourself.

05.Time to save money and reducing spending.

Dating is expensive. Holidays are expensive. Love has a price tag.Say thanks for being single because is your time now to spend you money a lone. You can now eat whatever you want, go wherever you want, enjoy you time a lone.

Saturday, March 3, 2018



Nowadays in our commercial world, everything involves money. Any activities that someone enjoys involves money in some way. If your passion is drawing you'll need pencils and paper, rather you're buying the supplies or someone has bought it for you it still involves money.

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If you had the all  money in the world you would yo” 

Are wealthy people like Bill Gates happy?

Bill Gate has a lot of money and huge house, does all of this make the man happy all the time?. This is how I would use it to define happiness. Lets say the house is completely empty. No one lives there but Bill. He walks to each room, opens the door and shouts out, "Hello."  There is no response. He looks around and sees no one. So he does that to the next room with same response. It takes him 45 minutes to enter all the rooms, shout out "Hello" and also look around inside for a human being. He finds no one. I would think by then he'd feel very lonely and unhappy. He has all this money and a huge mansion but no one to share it with. I think that makes for a very unhappy soul.

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What about poor people are they happy?

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Poor people can't afford to buy they basic need, they are full of hungry, homeless, attacked by diseases,they face many challenges so they are unhappy. 

Can you be poor and happy?

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Pass through these discussion made by my friends

Every day a poor person is robbed off dignity.How can you be happy knowing that there are people you will never meet, places you will never go and dreams you will never accomplish because the world does not know you exist? We live in an excessively materialistic world where the value of human life is determined by what you have to offer. The homeless, illegal immigrants and people living in the slums of Asia and Africa are tied in a cyclical life of despair. It is difficult to be happy when every day is toil, hunger and despair.( Mayana)

I believe that you can be happy no matter what situation you are in. I was personally homeless, but it was not as bad as it sounds. I lived with a family friend and I was 13 around the time. It is hard not knowing if you will be kicked out, but I was happy. We were searching for a place to live in, but we still laugh we still smiled, and it was because we knew that no amount of money can truly give you happiness. My dad told me of a story he once saw online of a wealthy father taking his son to show him what being poor looked like. It goes something like this...

A father took his son to a poor village to see how poor people lived. After the trip the father asked his son , "Did you see how poor people can be?" the son replied, "Oh yeah. I noticed that we have one dog but they have four. We have lanterns and they have the stars at night. We have servants who serve us, but they serve each other. We have walls that protect us they have friends and family to protect them. We have a piece of land and they have a horizon with no end. Thanks dad for showing me how poor we are"

I have been poor all of my adult life. My partner and I both work full time and still struggle to pay the bills, we don't have a mortgage, we have no insurance or pension and 0 savings. Everything revolves around money, just being alive costs money, i e: council tax, tax on wages (free work) e c t. I hate it when people say money doesn't buy happiness! Happiness to me means not having a panic attack when somebody phones or knocks the door in case it is debt collectors, courts, bailiffs or police to arrest you because you cant afford t v licence or council tax or water bill. I feel disgusted that you have to pay the government just to be alive"

So what actual are we need? money or happiness?

Money can't buy everything

Only thing money will buy

Money is just one thing and not every thing

Thursday, March 1, 2018

There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope.

Welcome my reader today i want to share with you this message  which will inspire you on your daily activities and will change and affect you positively,you know we as human being we sometime face hardship which step-back our effort to the success we desire to reach and this time we trapped by enemy its name is giving up.

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never give up(Mandela)

They say tough time never last its true,hope is the heart of the human being success try not to lose hope despite of all hardship you pass through ,do you understand hope brings energy to continue fighting  with the life challenges.
Every successful man has his history which he passed through,you may sometime think successful people never faced hardship to their struggle if you think so you are wrong, even them struggled hard in order to reach their desire,they passed the time when they lose hope which could perish them from the path of success,till they regained hope which empowered them to hold on and they managed to wait for their success .

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Sad man (no hope)
If you want to succeed be patient keep struggling remember that for every night there must reach the morning, tough time never last but tough people last,even for hard thing keep trying again and again,fake it till you make it.

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